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Data Literacy Hub

Make the right decisions based on the data
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About us

Data Literacy Hub is an open platform
that provides anyone with access to online courses
on statistics and data analysis.
The courses were developed by the Bureau of National Statistics of Kazakhstan with the international partners
in order to promote a data-driven culture and evidence based policy.
Please watch the video to find out more

Courses by levels

Internal courses

First level

For everyone who is starting to work with data and statistics for the first time

Learn more

9 video lessons (56 minutes)

Final testing

5 practical tasks


What you will learn:

  • Get acquainted with the concept of "data"
  • Learn how to work with data correctly
  • Learn about the activities of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Study data types
  • Immerse yourself in the 5 rules of data interpretation
  • Get acquainted with the processes of forming statistical information, from collection to storage
  • Operate with basic concepts of statistics, for example: distinguish the median from the arithmetic mean and understand the properties of the normal distribution

Second level

(Under development)

For experts making decisions based on data and official statistical information

10 video lessons

Final testing

8 practical tasks


What you will learn:

  • Familiarize yourself with the methodology of statistical indicators and the data ecosystem
  • Learn the subtleties of the methodology for calculating key indicators by statistical branches:
    • Gross domestic product
    • Consumer price index
    • Unemployment
    • Income/salary
    • Labor productivity
  • Learn data management techniques: an introduction to data standards and metadata
  • Familiarize yourself with the data management policy and aspects of data management, as well as the prospects for the development of the national data ecosystem

Third level

(Under development)

For experts making decisions based on data and official statistical information

10 modules

Final task

Practical tasks


What you will learn:

  • Use data visualization tools confidently
  • Take an active part in the process of working with data
  • Independently verify the validity of calculations and make adjustments
  • Generate reports based on a ready-made data model
  • Build beautiful and understandable dashboards

Fourth level

For those who analyze a large array of data

6 modules

Final task

Practical tasks


What you will learn:

  • Programming in Python
  • Work with databases (SQL), visualization and data management
  • Machine learning basics
  • Study the exploratory data analysis (extraction, cleaning, statistics)
  • Immerse yourself in Data Science and Data Governance

Courses from external providers

The World Banks 'Data for Better Lives' course
Gender Statistics Training Curriculum

Our partners

Join the initiative
Data Literacy Hub

We invite partners to create additional new courses, as well as adapt existing ones in other languages!

Fill out the application